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DRY EYE - The latest treatment option enabling you to focus on the year ahead.

Jonathan Joffe

Updated: Jul 27, 2019

Dry Eye is a very common but complex condition affecting the eye. As much as 50% of all people have varying forms of Dry Eye Disease. At our practice we find this a gross underestimate and an obvious reason why patients seek an Eye Care Provider consultation.

The definition of Dry Eye has recently been updated and is now well described in DEWS Report. And here is a patient friendly version.

Definition: Dry eye is a multifactorial disease of the ocular surface characterised by a loss of homeostasis of the tear film, and accompanied by ocular symptoms, in which tear film instability and hyperosmolarity, ocular surface inflammation and damage, and neurosensory abnormalities play etiological roles.

This definition now includes a lot more clinical aspects than previously considered, hence “Dysfunctional Tear Syndrome” is a term used explaining inflammatory disease involving skin, glands, nervous system and not only your eyes.

Furthermost essential for a healthy functioning eye, you need a normal tear film. At Emoneko Centre we have recognised Dry Eye has an integral service to our patients. The ethology (cause) of Dry Eye is often misunderstood and hence treatment options have been mostly palliative and/or ineffective.

It is fundamental to understand the structural composition of our tears and how they are produced to understand Dry Eye and its management.

The tear film is made of 3 different layers that are produced by different parts of the eye and surrounding tissue.

The most inner layer (closest to the eye) is the mucous layer (protein) secreted by the goblet cells on the conjunctiva, followed by the second later, an aqueous layer (water) produced by the lacrimal gland and then very important, the lipid layer (fat) produced by the meibomian glands. All three layers are necessary for a stable tear film which is a prerogative for good vision.

In 80% of all diagnosed Dry Eye Disease or Dysfunctional Tear Syndrome we find the underlying cause Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) (secreting the lipid layer). In these cases treatment addressing the inflammation in the glands and their surrounding tissue is recommended.

There are a number of medical conditions and even medical prescribed drugs that lead to dry eye that may or may not occur in association with MGD.

Olympia Optics has the ability to provide each patient with an individualised Dry Eye assessment, by means of specialised trained staff and a professional Dry Eye Assistant, the K5 OCULUS Keratograph.

With more insight on what is causing your Dry Eye Disease we can offer more effective treatment options.

Treatment Options

Ocular lubricants or tear drops is the standard or first line approach to treat Dry Eye. These are are widely prescribed and often successful - specifically with modern pharmaceutical components which can keep the eye lubricated for longer.

In more advanced forms of Dry Eye, anti-inflammatory agents are added to the treatment regime. These include cyclosporine, tacrolimus and non-preserved corticosteroids.

Moist Heat Therapy is also a conventional method of addressing Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. This option is in form of a 10 minute daily eye mask.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy is already widely accepted as a treatment for skin rosacea. More than a decade ago, Dr Toyos noticed that facial skin rosacea patients treated with IPL reported a significant improvement in their dry eye symptoms. Since then, a number of studies confirmed that IPL therapy reduces both signs and symptoms of dry eye.

This innovative treatment option does not only treat symptoms but also the root cause of Dry Eye Disease and is now available at Olympia Eye & Laser and Olympia Optics.

Contact us and book your Dry Eye consultation at:

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